Denis Santy

Lyon Office
Member of the Lyon Bar
  • Associé d’Adaltys Avocats depuis 2004
  • Avocat chez Ernst & Young Avocats (1997/2003)
  • Avocat chez Barennes & Associés Paris (1993/1996)
  • Avocat au sein du cabinet Warner Cranston (Londres:1989/1992)
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Business Law – University of Lyon III (1989)
  • French
  • English
  • 2025 – Best Lawyers in Company Law
  • 2024 – Best Lawyers in Energy Law
  • 2024 – Best Lawyers in Corporate Law

Denis Santy was sworn in in 1995. After more than ten years of practice in London and France in major international law firms, he joined Adamas in 2004 where he now co-manages the corporate law, private equity and M&A department.

He is involved in all types of mergers and acquisitions and corporate restructurings, often in an international context.

As head of the China desk in France, he has specific experience in the structuring and implementation of cross border investments and merger operations between French and Chinese operators.

He is also regularly involved in the legal structuring of projects involving public and private partners, particularly in the renewable energy and innovation sector.

  • Associé d’Adaltys Avocats depuis 2004
  • Avocat chez Ernst & Young Avocats (1997/2003)
  • Avocat chez Barennes & Associés Paris (1993/1996)
  • Avocat au sein du cabinet Warner Cranston (Londres:1989/1992)
  • Diploma of Advanced Studies in Business Law – University of Lyon III (1989)
  • French
  • English
  • 2025 – Best Lawyers in Company Law
  • 2024 – Best Lawyers in Energy Law
  • 2024 – Best Lawyers in Corporate Law


Corporate Law – Mergers & Acquisitions – Investment Capital / Commercial Law, Contracts, Distribution and Consumption /