Séverine Buffet

Lyon Office
Member of the Lyon Bar
  • Partner at Adaltys Avocats since 2023
  • Associate with Adaltys Avocats since 2018
  • Lawyer with Itinéraires Droit Public (2012 – 2017)
  • Lawyer – Rhône-Alpes Region
  • Lawyer – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Lecturer – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Legal Qualification Certificate (2011)
  • Doctorate in Public Law – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Postgraduate degree (DEA) in fundamental public law – Jean Moulin Lyon III University

Séverine Buffet has been a member of the Lyon Bar since 2012. She advises on regulatory and operational urban planning (urban planning and planning documents, urban development plans, building authorisations), commercial urban planning, environmental law, as well as on development and land issues (right of pre-emption).

She assists local authorities throughout the procedures they implement to draw up or develop their urban planning documents (Territorial coherence scheme (SCOT- Schéma de cohérence territoriale), urban planning schemes (PLU- Plan local d’urbanisme). In addition, she defends local authorities or petitioners facing appeals and litigation against refused or issued urban planning authorisations.

Séverine Buffet regularly leads training courses in urban planning law for local authorities and Public inter-municipal cooperation institutions (EPCI- Établissement public de coopération intercommunale) (agents and elected officials), as well as for urban planners.

She is also a lecturer at the Jean Moulin Lyon III University where she teaches administrative law.

  • Partner at Adaltys Avocats since 2023
  • Associate with Adaltys Avocats since 2018
  • Lawyer with Itinéraires Droit Public (2012 – 2017)
  • Lawyer – Rhône-Alpes Region
  • Lawyer – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Lecturer – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Legal Qualification Certificate (2011)
  • Doctorate in Public Law – Jean Moulin Lyon III University
  • Postgraduate degree (DEA) in fundamental public law – Jean Moulin Lyon III University


Transformation des acteurs publics / Environmental law / Dispute resolution & litigation / Urban planning and development /